Our team

Fatima Fuad Azeem


“Hello! I completed my post-graduation from the LSE, UK. The one thing that I learnt from living abroad was how much importance they have given to students’ well-being, from meetings with advisors to career counselling to emotional health. No school, college or university abroad compromises on their students’ well-being. This is exactly what I want to introduce in Pakistan – the importance of looking after our youth and catering to their problems and guiding them where they feel lost.”

Affan Alam

Director & Consultant

“Over 68 per cent of Pakistan’s population is youth. Unfortunately, there is a crucial lack of youth-centred initiatives and policy frameworks for their education, personal development or counselling. We at BrainBox Academics aim to bridge the gap between their aspirations and the ability to succeed.
I am a designer with a specialization in communications from NCA, Lahore. I am currently working as an independent Creative Director and offer consultancies.”

Our Story

“The best teachers are those who show you where to look, but don’t tell you what to see.”
– Alexandra K.Trenfor
A child’s education is the most valuable and priceless gift that their parents can provide. Not only does this comprise of an academic qualification, but the child’s mental and emotional development as well. Studies show that 49.5% adolescents suffer from mental health issues, particularly stress and anxiety related to academic pressure.
A couple major problems that students face in terms of academics – first, the struggle to catch up and cope with what is taught in the school/college, second, going to a tuition academy for additional help yet still not getting the attention he/she is looking for. The third problem is the decision of choosing a degree programme. The fourth and the scariest one is choosing a career path and entering the job market. Keeping all these fears in perspective, we have launched BrainBox Academics. It is founded because we care and understand that every child who is seeking help with studies is asking for attention that they are unable to get. From preparing the students for their exam to helping them to decide the degree programme they wish to enrol in, to the personal development of the youth, BrainBox Academics has you covered.


Pandemic created a chaos and flipped the world upside down. Schools and tuition centres were shut, job market crashed, isolation was forced, and mortality rates increased. Every individual became clueless about their lives. We became paralysed while trying to cope with the situation that the world was in. It was very normal for parents to worry about their child’s education and their social life.
BrainBox Academics became cautious of the circumstances the entire world was under and decided to provide solution to all the above mentioned problems. Our platform changes everything – geographical and physical boundaries become non-existent. It is one platform across the country, providing a network beyond your home town, your city and even your province while you study in a digital environment rich with a diverse social, cultural and ethnic group.  We created a platform that can give services online, be it tuitions or counselling. We are digital, anyone can register for tuition or speak with a counsellor from anywhere in the world.
We are happy to provide a platform that can cater to everyone’s need.