Circle Fellowship


BrainBox Academics & Barrack 13 have designed a fellowship programme for students where they are nurtured by expertise in a fun filled environment. Students become fellows in this programme and their learning, training and creativity is celebrated on a national level.
This programme revolves around the concept of story-telling which enables the student to learn the art of sharing their ideas and creativity in an artistic manner. We have been told stories about religion, culture, societies and educations but what makes these stories interesting are the way these stories are told. Here all the fellows engage in activities where they tell their stories in the form of videography.
25 Participants | 5 Days Training | 30 Videos


ETHICS – Circle Fellowship 2022

The subject that we have chosen for 2022 Circle Fellowship is ETHICS. Learning Ethics helps them in understanding their own lives and they learn to critically evaluate their own decisions and actions. Familiarizing oneself with Ethical studies they learn about who they really are, what is good or bad for them and it assists them in attaining what they desire for themselves.


This course helps the participants in realising that every mind can have different opinion about one particular thing. However, this course does not limit the learner about different opinions but it exposes the opportunity for them to understand the reasoning behind having different opinions.


We aim to teach the students on treating their fellow colleagues with kindness and compassion. In other words, this course helps in grooming the character traits in individuals and helps them take better decisions in their everyday life.



In the Circle – Fellowship all the participants go through a training that is comprehended in the final assignment. This assignment is creating a video which will capture their understanding of the training and activities.


To Register


Details of Registration process are reproduced on the official website of Circle – Fellowship
Click on the link below to reach the official website;